To help you with it, in this comprehensive guide, I will impart valuable tips encompassing fundamental Instagram know-how as well as cutting-edge technique. Whether you seek subtle refinements to elevate your Instagram prowess or are embarking on your maiden voyage, rest assured there is something to benefit every Instagram user.

1. How to make Instagram account private

Don’t want unknown people to see your pics? You need to enable Private Account, which allows you to approve people before they can follow you. It doesn’t apply to your existing followers.

2. Save mobile data on Instagram

If you have bad networks or are short on data, this feature will help. But note that it will hamper your experience as the media will take time to load.

3. Hide irrelevant ads on Instagram

Instagram ads are increasing daily, but it becomes irritative when encountering irrelevant ads. So, you may hide them. If the feed got refreshed, you may find recently viewed ads on Instagram.

4. Mute someone‘s Instagram Stories

While you enjoy watching stories from your friends and favorite influencers, there may be times when you want to mute specific stories without unfollowing the user. Perhaps the content is irrelevant to you, or you just need a break from seeing their updates.  Whatever the reason, you can refer to our guide on muting stories on Instagram to tailor your feed to your preferences. So, you can enjoy the content you love without feeling overwhelmed by the content you don’t.

5. Hide inappropriate comments on your posts

After posting something, you’ve probably encountered a comment you wish to remove or hide. Fortunately, Instagram provides an easy way to hide inappropriate comments. So you can take control of the conversation and maintain a positive environment on your profile.  You may also add custom words and phrases that you don’t want in your comment box or message requests from Manage custom words and phrases. Then toggle on Hide comments under that.

6. Don‘t save original photos on Instagram

Instagram filters are great. But whenever you post an image, it automatically saves a copy in your gallery. So, your storage may run out quickly. 

7. Save Instagram Story in Highlights

Instagram stories are a popular way to share daily moments with your followers, but they only last 24 hours before disappearing. If you want to showcase certain stories for a more extended period, you can save them to your highlights.  Highlights are curated collections of stories you can display on your profile for as long as you like. So you can create a more permanent and organized way to showcase your content. To add a new highlight, refer to the steps in our article on how to add a new IG Highlight.

8. Pin favorite Instagram posts at top  

You can customize your profile in several ways but I most love the pinned posts. You can pin three posts at the top of your feed.  

9. See the history of your Instagram account

Do you want to know when you joined Instagram and your former usernames or bio texts? Well, you can know all these in easy steps:

10. Set cover on Story Highlights

You may add a thumbnail for the Story highlight to make your profile stand out. You can add multiple stories in one highlight. From the Edit highlight page, tap Stories and select several stories. Then tap Done.

11. Clear Instagram search history on iPhone

You can clear your Instagram search history and remove all traces of what accounts you searched for. To do this:

12. Save Instagram Stories as a Draft 

Sometimes you may not have enough time to post a photo or video immediately, or you may want to edit it before sharing it. In these cases, you can save your half-finished post as a draft on Instagram. So you can quickly come back to it later and finish your edits or add captions without losing your progress. Note the Story drafts will expire in the next seven days.

13. Use Boomerang in Instagram on iPhone

The Boomerang feature allows you to take a short burst of photos which cycle back and forth to create looping videos or GIFs. You can capture a quick moment or create fun, engaging content to grab your audience’s attention. So, whether you’re a seasoned Instagram user or just getting started, you must know how to use Boomerang on Instagram.

Do you visit websites links from Instagram posts? The app now records all your link visits so you can get back to them anytime. 

15. Share photos/videos directly to Instagram on iPhone

Rather than searching through your camera roll while posting, you may directly share photos or videos on Instagram from the Photos app. So, you can quickly and easily share your favorite moments with your followers as feed post/Story or send them on DM.

16. Restrict an account on Instagram

Have you encountered an account that makes you feel uncomfortable or harassed? In these situations, you may use Instagram’s “Restrict” feature to limit an account’s interaction with your profile without blocking them. So, whether you’re dealing with cyberbullying, harassment, or unwanted attention, restricting an account on Instagram can help you take control of your social media experience and protect yourself.

17. Archive Instagram posts or Story

Sometimes you may want to remove a post or story from your profile feed without deleting it. This is where the “Archive” feature comes in handy. Archiving allows you to hide a post or story from your profile rather than removing it. So you can view archived posts later or restore it to your profile if you change your mind.  Also, Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours, but you can keep them saved if you archive them. Therefore, archive Instagram posts or stories on your iPhone to easily manage your content and keep your profile looking its best. Later, you may also delete archived stories permanently. 

18. How to pause Instagram push notification

Getting too many notifications can be annoying, but you can change the notification frequency.

19. Make Close Friends list on Instagram

You may add some people as your close friends. This allows you to share stories that are not for everyone but only close friends. No one can see your close friend list except you. To add a friend as a Close Friend:

Further, to see all your close friends go to your Instagram profile and tap on the hamburger icon. Now tap Close Friends. You can see your list or quickly add multiple people as close friends from the Suggestions list here.

20. Download your Instagram Data

If you use Instagram for business or marketing purposes, it’s crucial to have access to your Instagram data. So, Meta lets you download your Instagram data, including photos, videos, messages, and more. This can be a valuable tool for backing up your content or gaining insights into your online presence.

21. Check time spent on Instagram

Are you spending too much time on Instagram? Well, you can see the activity time and make adjustments. You may also set a daily time limit or take a break reminder that will notify you once you reach the time duration set by you. Further, you may also choose to mute notifications and more.

22. Find what you liked earlier on Instagram

Let’s say: you watched an insightful reel and liked or commented on it but forgot to save it for later. Now how to find the reel again? Follow the steps below: In a similar way, you can check your recent comments, tags, Sticker responses, and reviews.

23. Save posts for later on Instagram

Whenever you come across any insightful posts, you may save them. Just tap the bookmark icon on the post. Also, you may create collections to organize saved posts on Instagram. 

24. Add another Instagram account to the bio

If you have another account for professional works or a business account, you may promote that on your primary account.  To optimize your bio further, add relevant hashtags (#).  Also, you may add links to your Facebook profile, LinkedIn, or website by tapping Links.

25. Set filters as favorite

Instagram offers the best filters and effects for capturing stories and reels. But searching through different filters and finding your favorite one each time is frustrating. How about saving filters for quick access? 

26. Create auto-complete quick reply on Instagram

Want to save time while replying to direct messages? You may set up automated quick replies on Instagram. Note that the feature is available on professional accounts.

27. Make your Stories interactive

You can easily engage with your followers through Instagram Stories stickers. Let them ask you questions, vote on polls, answers quiz, etc.  

28. Get notifications whenever your favorite person post

With so much content being shared on Instagram daily, it’s easy to miss posts from those we care about. So, if you don’t want to miss out on any updates from your favorite person on Instagram, you can get notifications whenever they post. To stay up to date with the latest content from someone you admire, You may enable notifications for Stories, Reels, Videos, and Lives. 

29. Hide photos you are tagged in

Suppose anyone tags you in a post that shows on your profile. So, you may untag yourself from inappropriate posts. You may choose Hide from my profile if you don’t want to untag yourself.

30. Set manual tagging

I know checking tagged posts and getting rid of each is tedious. So, you may turn on manual tagging. So, whenever someone tags you in their posts, you need to approve them. After that, it will show on your profile. You may approve posts from Pending Tags.

31. Turn off comments

Sometimes social media trolling gets on the nerves. What should you do then; delete the post or report each comment? Instead, I suggest turning off comments on Instagram. It will disable the comment box and help you take control of it. 

32. Go quiet on Instagram

If you are too distracted by Instagram notifications, you may enable Quiet mode on Instagram. It helps you to focus on yourself by pausing notifications and messages.

33. Remove Instagram followers

It may sound weird, but there may be instances when you want to remove a follower. There are two ways to remove Instagram followers and make you stress-free.  

34. Reset Instagram Explore page

Instagram Explore page helps you find the trending posts relevant to you. But sometimes, the Instagram algorithm messes up and shows irrelevant posts. In this case, it’s best to reset the Instagram Explore page. 

35. Hide active status

Do you want to scroll your feed but not let others know? The trick to achieving this is disabling active status on Instagram.

36. Turn off your precise location

Do you know you must turn off your precise location on Instagram? It will protect your identity and save you against multiple threats.

37. Recover your Instagram account from hackers

The worst situation will be if your account is hacked. But don’t panic! You may recover your hacked Instagram account.  Besides, if you see all your chats are removed, you may recover deleted Instagram messages as well.

38. Add a pronoun to your profile

Sometimes it becomes confusing how people should address you. So, you may add a pronoun to your Instagram account to help others understand your preferences better. 

39. Deactivate your Instagram account

If you want to take a break from Instagram, you may deactivate it rather than delete it. Because once you delete your account, you can’t recover it. So, learn how to deactivate your Instagram account.  

40. Change the password of your account

Most of us forget our Instagram account credentials. But what if you get locked out and can’t enter the correct password? You may easily reset your Instagram password and log in again.

41. Avoid offensive content

If you are sensitive, you may be startled to encounter offensive content while browsing your Instagram feed. In this case, you may use Instagram Sensitive Content Control and avoid such posts and videos.

42. Set a new news feed 

On busy days, I set my Instagram feed to favorites so I can quickly browse through the new posts from my favorite accounts.  Search for another account and mark it as favorite in a similar way.   If you have already added your favorite users to the list skip these and follow the steps below.  It will open a new feed with only posts from favorite accounts. 

43. Hide like count on your Instagram post 

Instagram offers a way to hide like count so no one can see expect you can see the details including the total number and engaged accounts. 

44. Quickly switch accounts  

As I handle multiple Instagram accounts, it’s quite frustrating to log out each time and then again sign in. If you face the same problem, follow the steps below;  

45. Filter notifications 

Suppose you opened Instagram and got a flood of notification. Now going through each one is time-consuming and daunting for sure. How about categorizing notifications for a quick view? This feature is available in professional accounts only. 

46. Share a post as your Story 

Have you come across an interesting post and wanted to share it with your followers? You can do this by following:  You can share the post via Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. Also, you may copy the link of that post if necessary.  

47. Hide story and live from specific people 

Instagram allows you to change the privacy settings of your story and Live videos.   

48. Auto generate video captions 

When I forget my AirPods at home while on the go, this feature is lifesaving. It auto-generates captions for IGTV videos and Reels and you can enjoy them without sound. 

49. Change Instagram language  

Indeed, it will be fun to use your favorite app in your native language. 

50. Check apps and website access to your account 

Sometimes I use my Insta ID to sign up for apps and websites to save time. So, when I can’t remember credentials, I check Instagram app access. Also, granting account details access to shady websites is not safe. So, if you have granted Instagram ID permissions to any apps or websites, check and remove that.   You may also check the apps and websites for which the authentication is expired, or you have removed access. 

51. Check invoices of your orders and payments 

Instagram shoppable posts have created a buzz in recent times. I love to buy fancy products from Insta, and here’s how I keep track.

52. How to share Instagram profile 

Want a hack to share your Insta account without typing your ID? Follow to steps below:  You may also select Share profile or Copy link to share your Insta ID. Additionally, you can create QR codes for your posts too. 

53. Get verified on Instagram 

Verification badge is a sign of trustworthiness that helps followers to connect with you. But how to get it? Only professional accounts are eligible for this.  Verificationbadge is a sign of trustworthiness that helps followers to connect with you. But how to get it? Only professional accounts are eligible for this.  

54. Add music to Instagram Notes

With the latest updates rolled out almost every day, here’s another one that’ll change the way you’ve been using the Notes feature on Instagram. Users can now share their favorite music in Instagram Notes. Follow the steps prescribed below to try it out for yourself: Rock on, Instagram stars! I hope this extensive guide provided you with useful pointers. But that’s not all! There are many more tips and tricks to use Instagram on iPhone on our website. If you are getting started with Instagram Reels, Avatar, or Instagram Notes, we have guides on that as well. So, you may explore those and find answers to your Instagram problems. Explore more…

Can you check who viewed your Instagram profile? How to add alt text to Instagram posts on iPhone: 2 Ways explained How to hide Instagram Stories from someone on iPhone 10 Ways to Fix Instagram not refreshing feed on iPhone 50  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3650  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 6250  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7150  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3450  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 650  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 2050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3450  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 4850  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 9050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1550  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 9950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1750  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 9050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3450  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 5450  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 4650  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 6450  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 6350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 750  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 2050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1850  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 4050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 2650  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 4950  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 250  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 4550  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 7550  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1750  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 5050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 5850  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 6250  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 1050  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 5350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3850  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 5850  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 9150  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 3350  Tips to use Instagram on iPhone like a pro  2023  - 39

title: “50 Tips To Use Instagram On Iphone Like A Pro 2023 " ShowToc: true date: “2023-06-08” author: “Vanessa Diaz”

To help you with it, in this comprehensive guide, I will impart valuable tips encompassing fundamental Instagram know-how as well as cutting-edge technique. Whether you seek subtle refinements to elevate your Instagram prowess or are embarking on your maiden voyage, rest assured there is something to benefit every Instagram user.

1. How to make Instagram account private

Don’t want unknown people to see your pics? You need to enable Private Account, which allows you to approve people before they can follow you. It doesn’t apply to your existing followers.

2. Save mobile data on Instagram

If you have bad networks or are short on data, this feature will help. But note that it will hamper your experience as the media will take time to load.

3. Hide irrelevant ads on Instagram

Instagram ads are increasing daily, but it becomes irritative when encountering irrelevant ads. So, you may hide them. If the feed got refreshed, you may find recently viewed ads on Instagram.

4. Mute someone‘s Instagram Stories

While you enjoy watching stories from your friends and favorite influencers, there may be times when you want to mute specific stories without unfollowing the user. Perhaps the content is irrelevant to you, or you just need a break from seeing their updates.  Whatever the reason, you can refer to our guide on muting stories on Instagram to tailor your feed to your preferences. So, you can enjoy the content you love without feeling overwhelmed by the content you don’t.

5. Hide inappropriate comments on your posts

After posting something, you’ve probably encountered a comment you wish to remove or hide. Fortunately, Instagram provides an easy way to hide inappropriate comments. So you can take control of the conversation and maintain a positive environment on your profile.  You may also add custom words and phrases that you don’t want in your comment box or message requests from Manage custom words and phrases. Then toggle on Hide comments under that.

6. Don‘t save original photos on Instagram

Instagram filters are great. But whenever you post an image, it automatically saves a copy in your gallery. So, your storage may run out quickly. 

7. Save Instagram Story in Highlights

Instagram stories are a popular way to share daily moments with your followers, but they only last 24 hours before disappearing. If you want to showcase certain stories for a more extended period, you can save them to your highlights.  Highlights are curated collections of stories you can display on your profile for as long as you like. So you can create a more permanent and organized way to showcase your content. To add a new highlight, refer to the steps in our article on how to add a new IG Highlight.

8. Pin favorite Instagram posts at top  

You can customize your profile in several ways but I most love the pinned posts. You can pin three posts at the top of your feed.  

9. See the history of your Instagram account

Do you want to know when you joined Instagram and your former usernames or bio texts? Well, you can know all these in easy steps:

10. Set cover on Story Highlights

You may add a thumbnail for the Story highlight to make your profile stand out. You can add multiple stories in one highlight. From the Edit highlight page, tap Stories and select several stories. Then tap Done.

11. Clear Instagram search history on iPhone

You can clear your Instagram search history and remove all traces of what accounts you searched for. To do this:

12. Save Instagram Stories as a Draft 

Sometimes you may not have enough time to post a photo or video immediately, or you may want to edit it before sharing it. In these cases, you can save your half-finished post as a draft on Instagram. So you can quickly come back to it later and finish your edits or add captions without losing your progress. Note the Story drafts will expire in the next seven days.

13. Use Boomerang in Instagram on iPhone

The Boomerang feature allows you to take a short burst of photos which cycle back and forth to create looping videos or GIFs. You can capture a quick moment or create fun, engaging content to grab your audience’s attention. So, whether you’re a seasoned Instagram user or just getting started, you must know how to use Boomerang on Instagram.

Do you visit websites links from Instagram posts? The app now records all your link visits so you can get back to them anytime. 

15. Share photos/videos directly to Instagram on iPhone

Rather than searching through your camera roll while posting, you may directly share photos or videos on Instagram from the Photos app. So, you can quickly and easily share your favorite moments with your followers as feed post/Story or send them on DM.

16. Restrict an account on Instagram

Have you encountered an account that makes you feel uncomfortable or harassed? In these situations, you may use Instagram’s “Restrict” feature to limit an account’s interaction with your profile without blocking them. So, whether you’re dealing with cyberbullying, harassment, or unwanted attention, restricting an account on Instagram can help you take control of your social media experience and protect yourself.

17. Archive Instagram posts or Story

Sometimes you may want to remove a post or story from your profile feed without deleting it. This is where the “Archive” feature comes in handy. Archiving allows you to hide a post or story from your profile rather than removing it. So you can view archived posts later or restore it to your profile if you change your mind.  Also, Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours, but you can keep them saved if you archive them. Therefore, archive Instagram posts or stories on your iPhone to easily manage your content and keep your profile looking its best. Later, you may also delete archived stories permanently. 

18. How to pause Instagram push notification

Getting too many notifications can be annoying, but you can change the notification frequency.

19. Make Close Friends list on Instagram

You may add some people as your close friends. This allows you to share stories that are not for everyone but only close friends. No one can see your close friend list except you. To add a friend as a Close Friend:

Further, to see all your close friends go to your Instagram profile and tap on the hamburger icon. Now tap Close Friends. You can see your list or quickly add multiple people as close friends from the Suggestions list here.

20. Download your Instagram Data

If you use Instagram for business or marketing purposes, it’s crucial to have access to your Instagram data. So, Meta lets you download your Instagram data, including photos, videos, messages, and more. This can be a valuable tool for backing up your content or gaining insights into your online presence.

21. Check time spent on Instagram

Are you spending too much time on Instagram? Well, you can see the activity time and make adjustments. You may also set a daily time limit or take a break reminder that will notify you once you reach the time duration set by you. Further, you may also choose to mute notifications and more.

22. Find what you liked earlier on Instagram

Let’s say: you watched an insightful reel and liked or commented on it but forgot to save it for later. Now how to find the reel again? Follow the steps below: In a similar way, you can check your recent comments, tags, Sticker responses, and reviews.

23. Save posts for later on Instagram

Whenever you come across any insightful posts, you may save them. Just tap the bookmark icon on the post. Also, you may create collections to organize saved posts on Instagram. 

24. Add another Instagram account to the bio

If you have another account for professional works or a business account, you may promote that on your primary account.  To optimize your bio further, add relevant hashtags (#).  Also, you may add links to your Facebook profile, LinkedIn, or website by tapping Links.

25. Set filters as favorite

Instagram offers the best filters and effects for capturing stories and reels. But searching through different filters and finding your favorite one each time is frustrating. How about saving filters for quick access? 

26. Create auto-complete quick reply on Instagram

Want to save time while replying to direct messages? You may set up automated quick replies on Instagram. Note that the feature is available on professional accounts.

27. Make your Stories interactive

You can easily engage with your followers through Instagram Stories stickers. Let them ask you questions, vote on polls, answers quiz, etc.  

28. Get notifications whenever your favorite person post

With so much content being shared on Instagram daily, it’s easy to miss posts from those we care about. So, if you don’t want to miss out on any updates from your favorite person on Instagram, you can get notifications whenever they post. To stay up to date with the latest content from someone you admire, You may enable notifications for Stories, Reels, Videos, and Lives. 

29. Hide photos you are tagged in

Suppose anyone tags you in a post that shows on your profile. So, you may untag yourself from inappropriate posts. You may choose Hide from my profile if you don’t want to untag yourself.

30. Set manual tagging

I know checking tagged posts and getting rid of each is tedious. So, you may turn on manual tagging. So, whenever someone tags you in their posts, you need to approve them. After that, it will show on your profile. You may approve posts from Pending Tags.

31. Turn off comments

Sometimes social media trolling gets on the nerves. What should you do then; delete the post or report each comment? Instead, I suggest turning off comments on Instagram. It will disable the comment box and help you take control of it. 

32. Go quiet on Instagram

If you are too distracted by Instagram notifications, you may enable Quiet mode on Instagram. It helps you to focus on yourself by pausing notifications and messages.

33. Remove Instagram followers

It may sound weird, but there may be instances when you want to remove a follower. There are two ways to remove Instagram followers and make you stress-free.  

34. Reset Instagram Explore page

Instagram Explore page helps you find the trending posts relevant to you. But sometimes, the Instagram algorithm messes up and shows irrelevant posts. In this case, it’s best to reset the Instagram Explore page. 

35. Hide active status

Do you want to scroll your feed but not let others know? The trick to achieving this is disabling active status on Instagram.

36. Turn off your precise location

Do you know you must turn off your precise location on Instagram? It will protect your identity and save you against multiple threats.

37. Recover your Instagram account from hackers

The worst situation will be if your account is hacked. But don’t panic! You may recover your hacked Instagram account.  Besides, if you see all your chats are removed, you may recover deleted Instagram messages as well.

38. Add a pronoun to your profile

Sometimes it becomes confusing how people should address you. So, you may add a pronoun to your Instagram account to help others understand your preferences better. 

39. Deactivate your Instagram account

If you want to take a break from Instagram, you may deactivate it rather than delete it. Because once you delete your account, you can’t recover it. So, learn how to deactivate your Instagram account.  

40. Change the password of your account

Most of us forget our Instagram account credentials. But what if you get locked out and can’t enter the correct password? You may easily reset your Instagram password and log in again.

41. Avoid offensive content

If you are sensitive, you may be startled to encounter offensive content while browsing your Instagram feed. In this case, you may use Instagram Sensitive Content Control and avoid such posts and videos.

42. Set a new news feed 

On busy days, I set my Instagram feed to favorites so I can quickly browse through the new posts from my favorite accounts.  Search for another account and mark it as favorite in a similar way.   If you have already added your favorite users to the list skip these and follow the steps below.  It will open a new feed with only posts from favorite accounts. 

43. Hide like count on your Instagram post 

Instagram offers a way to hide like count so no one can see expect you can see the details including the total number and engaged accounts. 

44. Quickly switch accounts  

As I handle multiple Instagram accounts, it’s quite frustrating to log out each time and then again sign in. If you face the same problem, follow the steps below;  

45. Filter notifications 

Suppose you opened Instagram and got a flood of notification. Now going through each one is time-consuming and daunting for sure. How about categorizing notifications for a quick view? This feature is available in professional accounts only. 

46. Share a post as your Story 

Have you come across an interesting post and wanted to share it with your followers? You can do this by following:  You can share the post via Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. Also, you may copy the link of that post if necessary.  

47. Hide story and live from specific people 

Instagram allows you to change the privacy settings of your story and Live videos.   

48. Auto generate video captions 

When I forget my AirPods at home while on the go, this feature is lifesaving. It auto-generates captions for IGTV videos and Reels and you can enjoy them without sound. 

49. Change Instagram language  

Indeed, it will be fun to use your favorite app in your native language. 

50. Check apps and website access to your account 

Sometimes I use my Insta ID to sign up for apps and websites to save time. So, when I can’t remember credentials, I check Instagram app access. Also, granting account details access to shady websites is not safe. So, if you have granted Instagram ID permissions to any apps or websites, check and remove that.   You may also check the apps and websites for which the authentication is expired, or you have removed access. 

51. Check invoices of your orders and payments 

Instagram shoppable posts have created a buzz in recent times. I love to buy fancy products from Insta, and here’s how I keep track.

52. How to share Instagram profile 

Want a hack to share your Insta account without typing your ID? Follow to steps below:  You may also select Share profile or Copy link to share your Insta ID. Additionally, you can create QR codes for your posts too. 

53. Get verified on Instagram 

Verification badge is a sign of trustworthiness that helps followers to connect with you. But how to get it? Only professional accounts are eligible for this.  Verificationbadge is a sign of trustworthiness that helps followers to connect with you. But how to get it? Only professional accounts are eligible for this.  

54. Add music to Instagram Notes

With the latest updates rolled out almost every day, here’s another one that’ll change the way you’ve been using the Notes feature on Instagram. Users can now share their favorite music in Instagram Notes. Follow the steps prescribed below to try it out for yourself: Rock on, Instagram stars! I hope this extensive guide provided you with useful pointers. But that’s not all! There are many more tips and tricks to use Instagram on iPhone on our website. If you are getting started with Instagram Reels, Avatar, or Instagram Notes, we have guides on that as well. So, you may explore those and find answers to your Instagram problems. Explore more…

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