According to the statement, as well as reports from Indian news outlets, Pink WhatsApp falsely advertises itself to offer better security and privacy features, customised interface, and the ability to transmit large files than the original. However, installing the bogus software on your device will give it access to various items such as private information, bank details, photos, SMS, and contact list. Some publications claim that the malware could even infect other devices through messages sent to another user from your phone.

MCMC GESA ORANG RAMAI UNTUK TIDAK MUAT TURUN APLIKASI HASAD"PINK WHATSAPP"#MCMC — MCMC (@MCMC_RASMI) June 27, 2023 “Users may receive messages and links that appear to be from WhatsApp inviting them to try the new application,” the regulatory body warns. “The MCMC advises the public not to download and install this application, and to immediately delete it if it is already present on their mobile devices. The agency is also urging users to only download mobile applications from official sources such as the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei AppGallery, and refrain from sharing any suspicious links to others. Additionally, MCMC says to report any activities related to the Pink WhatsApp hoax to its official Aduan portal or Aduan Hotline at 1800-188-030. (Source: MCMC [Twitter])