Qualcomm China teased the upcoming announcement on Chinese social media Weibo, with a date of 17 March for the press conference. While the post mentions Snapdragon, it doesn’t say which series the upcoming hardware will be a part of. That being said, a recent leak points towards a new member of the Snapdragon 7 series of chips. Leaskter Abhishek Yadav claims on Twitter that a Snapdragon chip that goes by the model number SM7475 has appeared on Geekbench. Screenshots indicated a 2.92GHz core, three 2.50 GHz cores and four 1.80GHz cores, as well as an Adreno 725 GPU. While it’s not known what the device itself is, the synthetic benchmark scores are close to those of devices running the previous flagship, the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen1. Incidentally, the test bed also had 12GB of RAM, and is running Android 13, from the details shared by the leakster.

CPU1 × 2.92 GHz3 × 2.50 GHz4 × 1.80 GHz GPU – Adreno 725Android 1312GB RAM pic.twitter.com/2lwk0V23za — Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) March 9, 2023 As for what it will eventually be called, it remains a coin toss to most people outside of the company. On one hand, there’s the argument to be made that Qualcomm will call the new chip the Snapdragon 7 Gen2 to keep things uniform with the relatively recently released Snapdragon 8 Gen2. But on the flip side, it is equally plausible that the company will decide to go for Snapdragon 7 Plus Gen1, because the flagship Snapdragon 8 series had a Plus model. At any rate, we will probably find out for sure next week, as well as other features that will come with the chipset in general. (Source: Weibo, Abhishek Yadav / Twitter)

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